The Spice of Life

Hello again, it’s me. It’s also time for the first proper blog post and the chosen topic is what I did over the weekend. But what did you do over the weekend, Jonathan? You may be asking. What could be so amazing that it required it’s own segment on your website? All very good questions, and ones which will be answered with very good replies. But before I get to that, let me ask YOU a question. What is your favourite taste? Go on, take all the time that you need. Think about what your favourite flavour might be. Is it sweet? Sour? Salt? Or perhaps an odd mixture like beef and Marmite or jelly and cheese? Let me try and guess what you just though of… I know the answer, your favourite taste sensation in the whole world is:

Spice! My favourite taste is spice! How did you know that?

– You

Yes, that’s my favourite taste too, and that is why today’s entry into the blog is about spice and the Chilli Fiesta in Devon.Read More »